Treasurer/Trustee Vacancy

We recently expanded the school, opening a community centre and artist studios. As we grow, having strong financial management, systems and controls is more important than ever. We're looking for a new treasurer to help us navigate this journey.

London, NW3 2HP,
Mainly at the office

Estimate of time needed (either in or out of office hours):
1-3 hours / week
Trustee meetings (quarterly) plus Audit and Remuneration Committee meetings (bimonthly)

What will you be doing?

London School of Mosaic, registered charity and social enterprise 

The London School of Mosaic is an independent art school teaching mosaic arts through long- and short-form education and facilitating public and private mosaic commissions and social impact projects. In 2023 the school opened an extension into 1690sqm of empty space on the Ludham Estate, in Camden’s most deprived area, in the form of a new community hub, housing 10 resident community organisations and more than 30 artist studios. 

The school is looking for a new treasurer (3-year term, unpaid) to join the board of trustees at the earliest opportunity, to help achieve its strategic aims for the next year and beyond. The school is seeking to appoint someone who can: 

  • Monitor and scrutinise financial assumptions on a quarterly basis 

  • Strengthen financial management and controls 

  • Advise board and executive team on practical and strategic financial matters 

  • Bring experience and interest in the arts and/or community development 

  • Attend meetings with funders, local authorities and other key stakeholders 

  • Contribute 8-10 hours each month, at least partially on-site in Camden 

What are we looking for?

Criteria for selection include: 

  • While an accountancy background is not essential, a successful candidate must have demonstrated financial management understanding and experience, including an understanding of the importance of cashflow.  

  • With the school now encompassing also a community centre and artist studios, the new treasurer must be prepared to invest time to understand operational issues so as to be able to advise the executive team and fellow trustees on the financial implications in any decision making. 

  • The new trustee must be aware of the charitable status of the organisation and what this means in terms of responsibilities and financial processes.  

  • On a more personal level, the new treasurer must be able to articulate themselves clearly, must be prepared and confident in asking difficult questions, and must have a good dose of common sense. 

What difference will you make?

- Help us grow 

- Support mosaic and other arts in London and beyond

- Strengthen community in Camden 

Before you apply

The school particularly welcomes applications from those with diverse experiences and backgrounds. You do not need to have any experience in or knowledge of mosaic to make a big difference to our organisation. To apply please send a CV along with a supporting statement to